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Hello, my name is Dunja.

This name suits my personality and my life’s journey perfectly because it means “the world” in many languages and dialects. I am an avid traveler who loves new adventures and discovering different cultures and languages. I spend my time exploring new places and cultures and enjoying nature skiing, biking, and hiking. I also enjoy yoga and meditation. I have a strong passion for pedagogy and I am an advocate of lifelong learning. I am an encourager and a motivator. I am positive, non-judgmental, thoughtful and caring.

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Image by Malik Skydsgaard

My beliefs
and values.

Just as every student learns differently, teachers have many different learning styles and use a variety of teaching practices influenced by their own culture and education. When offering professional development, it is crucial to empower teachers and to individualize their training accordingly. 


Workshops need to provide active learning opportunities for teachers. They need to include plenty of practical and hands-on activities that can be directly applied to any classroom and any subject. Participants need to be encouraged to apply their ideas to their own circumstances in the classroom and plan their own tasks and activities applicable to their learners’ needs.


Workshops should ideally be followed by individual coaching sessions to provide support to the challenges associated with implementing new strategies and changing classroom practices and to provide an opportunity to deepen the learning. According to a study by French (1997), “teachers may need as many as 50 hours of instruction, practice and coaching before a new strategy is mastered and implemented in class”.


Curriculum & Instruction


Master's of Arts

Michigan State University



Professional Certificate in Education & Teaching

Michigan State University




Supervision Tools for International School Teacher Leaders

Teacher Leader Institute



Creating a Culture of Thinking

Harvard Graduate School of Education


Plurilingual Education


Principles and Practice Post Graduate Certificate

University of Aberdeen



The Multilingual Learner: Theory to Practice

Institute of Teaching & Learning



Content & Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

Do Coyle

Institute of Teaching & Learning




How to build a Successful Growth Coaching Program Certification

Institute for Supply Management



Instructional Coaching

Steve Barkley


Cognitive Coaching

Level 1 & 2

Bill and Ochan Powell

Ocean Water

Publications and Collaborations

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Article dans "MAGAZINE PROF N°56"

 suite à une formation sur la Plurilitéracies à Bruxelles.

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Keynote speaker at

the 8th annual CLIL Conference

in Brussels, Belgium.


CLIL / Pluriliteracies expert for ECML.

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Part of a team who Identified with UNESCO and described 21st century competences for young people.

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